Cafe Solace
Kujata, Lavender Beds W13 P10
GMT+8, 8pm every Saturday
About Us

Once upon a time, two gay little au'ra girls wanted to open a cafe. After many trials and tribulations from the ffxiv housing gods, they finally got their plot and thus their cafe dreams were realised. They worked very, very hard on this cafe, so do come over to chill, gpose, or afk.
sketch comissions
For requests outside of the Cafe, please DM us on twitter! Link's below.
Our artists won't always be online, but when they are we'll be putting who's available in the party finder! Requests will be taken through a lottery system, and there will be 5 slots open from each artist!
To enter just /tell any of our employees and we'll add you to the list of your preferred artist, we'll be drawing from both lotteries for two slots every 30mins from 8pm GMT+8 onwards! There will be no entry fee for the lottery and you'll only need to pay once you've requested your drawing.
Uncoloured sketches will be 600k gil while coloured sketches will be 1.2mil gil.
Here's some art samples, if you'd like to decide on a specific artist to request!

Layla Toffee

Cath Palug
To watch the process join our live art stream! And make sure to check out the finished sketches on our twitter!